- Querying data Loaded into DB. The tool can request data stored according to two storage schemas (see RDFDB tool):
- Triples table.
- Table per Role and Concept.
Query syntax: Conjunctive Queries (CQs)
A CQ notation is used to express queries:
Q01<$X, $Y> :- triple($X, <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type>, <http://contentcheck.fr/schemas/Creator>), triple($X, <http://contentcheck.fr/schemas/name>, $Y);
- To run QuerySession, you will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The tool was tested with JRE 1.8.
- The tool is configured by default to be used with PostgreSQL (see default configuration file)
Download the latest version of QuerySession.zip and extract it to a working directory. The directory will have the following structure:
- The QuerySession JAR file named as QuerySession-{version}.jar.
- The configuration directory which contains the default configuration file.
- query directory which contains queries of the example.
QuerySession Home
| + conf | - QuerySession.prop | + query | - *.queries file | QuerySession-{version}.jar
How to use
java -jar QuerySession-{version}.jar -type ucq -qr queries_file
For each query, a result set file will be created and by default the name for each file will be “RS_QueryName”, however, it is possible to change the pattern name for each result set using:
-rs pattern_name
- The conf folder contains the default property file nammed QuerySession.prop. However, it is possible to specify another property file using the parameter:
-pf the_path_of_a_new_property_file.prop
Translating approaches
Translating on the T-Layout (Triples table)
1. translating a CQ using a basic approach without any reformulation on a saturated graph into SQL.
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedBasicQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query
2. it is also possible to translate the CQ using this layout through a UCQ reformulation on a original (unsaturated) graph.
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedUCQQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
translateCQ.setTripleTranslated (true); // the translation of UCQ will be done on a T-layout.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query
In the both cases, you need to set the database.storage_layout to TRIPLES_TABLE in the configuration file.
Translating on the CP Layout (Table per Role and Concept)
Using this layout (database.storage_layout set to TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT), two approaches can be used to translate CQ to SQL on a saturated graph.
1. Basic approach
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedBasicQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query.
2. Direct approach (with…as..), in this approach unspecified type triples (triples with rdf:type in property and object is a variable) and generic triples (triples where property is a variable) will be materialized using a union of conjunctive queries.
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedBasicQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
translateCQ.setDirectTranslation (true); // a direct translation will be performed.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query.
Using reformulations, three algorithms are available for this layout
- Semi-conjunctive queries (SCQ)
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedSCQQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated. Query.
- Union of conjunctive queries (UCQ)
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedUCQQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query.
- Unions of conjunctive queries (JUCQ) and a cost model.
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedJUCQQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query.
Translating on the TCP Layouts
//create the TranslatedCQBuilder object
TranslatedCQBuilder translateCQ = new TranslatedBasicQuery.Builder ().setConfiguration (config).build ();
ConjunctiveQuery conjQuery = new ConjunctiveQuery(head,triples);
translateCQ.setConjQuery (conjQuery);// set the encoded Query.
translateCQ.setDirectTranslation (true); // a direct translation will be performed.
translateCQ.setTCPTranslation (true); // set TCP layout.
String sqlQuery = translateCQ.getSQLQuery (); // get the translated Query.
Generating the JAR file using Maven
- Import the project into your workspace.
- Use mvn package command line to generate the JAR File.
- The JAR file will be generated under target folder named: QuerySession-{version}.jar
More details to how build project using maven can be found here: https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html
Working with Eclipse
- Import the project into you Eclipse workspace.
- To run you the loading project, you need to run the main class DataLoading.java using “Run Configurations”.
- Find the application under the Java application
- Put the arguments as in above section.
- Run the application.
A set of parameters need to be set in teh configuration file, as follows:
- Database properties
# Database engine database.engine = POSTGRESQL # Database host database.host = localhost # Database port database.port = 5432 # Database name database.name = cedardb # Database user database.user = postgres # Database password database.password = postgres # If this parameter is true and if there already exists a database of the given name, # then the database is dropped before being rewritten. database.drop_existing_db = true
- triple table properties
# The RDBMS (input) triples table name database.triples_table_name = triples # The encoded triples table name database.encoded_triples_table_name = encoded_triples
- dictionary table properties
# Database dictionary table name. # Use to encode the input query and ontology and decode the results. database.dictionary_table_name = dictionary
- database storage layout
# Valid options: TRIPLES_TABLE, TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT # Database (physical) storage layout. # Valid options: TRIPLES_TABLE, TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT database.storage_layout = TRIPLES_TABLE #database.storage_layout = TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT
- cost model options: these options are related to the cost model used to compare the best DAG plan generated when “JUCQ” is chosen as the query answering strategy.
# Valid options: TRIPLES_TABLE_COST_MODEL, TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT_COST_MODEL, POSTGRESQL cover_selection_algorithm.cost_function = TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT_COST_MODEL #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRIPLES TABLE COST MODEL PROPERTIES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# # Cost model cost model constants name. cost_model.constants_name = POSTGRESQL_CONTSTANTS # Cost model algorithm IO constant. cost_model.io_constant = 0.00046167385 # Cost model CPU constant. cost_model.cpu_constant = 0.00018806125 # Cost model materialization constant. cost_model.materialization_constant = 0.00039235885 # Cost model index 1 constant. cost_model.index1_constant = 0.001285472726 # Cost model index 2 constant. cost_model.index2_constant = 0.00053436378 # Cost model external disk unique flag cost_model.external_disk_unique_flag = false # Cost model larger fragment sub-query intermediate result pipelining flag. cost_model.pipeline_larger_subquery_flag = true
- Properties characterizing the translation to SQL
# SQL main query distinct flag translator.main_query_distinct_flag = true # Attributes prefix for attributes renaming in SQL. translator.attribute_prefix = att_ # Relation prefix for relations renaming in SQL. # Used when the storage schema is TRIPLES_TABLE (see UNDERLYING RDBMS ENGINE PROPERTIES). translator.relation_prefix = p # Database dictionary-encoded (large) triples (s,p,o) table name. # Used when the storage layout is TRIPLES_TABLE (see UNDERLYING RDBMS ENGINE PROPERTIES). translator.encoded_triples_table_name = encoded_triples # Database prefix for concept/role table names. # Used when the storage layout is TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT (see UNDERLYING RDBMS ENGINE PROPERTIES). translator.table_name_prefix = t_ # CQ atom (triple pattern) prefix for relations renaming. # Used when the storage layout is TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT (see UNDERLYING RDBMS ENGINE PROPERTIES). translator.alias_prefix = tt_
- Whether to use bag or set semantics
# #Valid options: Set, Bag query.semantics = Set
reasoner.type = ASSERTION_REF
Translating approaches Using the command Line
Translating on the T-Layout (Triples table)
#Set the storage layout to TRIPLES_TABLE database.storage_layout = TRIPLES_TABLE java -jar QuerySession.jar -pf confFile -qr queryFile -type SAT
Translating on the CP-Layout (Table for each Concept and Role)
#Set the storage layout to TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT database.storage_layout = TABLE_PER_ROLE_AND_CONCEPT java -jar QuerySession.jar -pf confFile -qr queryFile -type SAT
Translating on the TCP-Layout
java -jar QuerySession.jar -pf confFile -qr queryFile -type SAT -isTCP